Risks and Responsibilities for Physiotherapists Managing Neuro Respiratory Disorders
Respiratory Insufficiency in SCI
Risks and Responsibilities for Physiotherapists Managing Neuro Respiratory Disorders
Respiratory Insufficiency in SCI
I teach physiotherapists and health professionals how to assess, understand and effectively manage neuro-respiratory disorders to positively impact and empower people living with neurological disabilities.
I’m a currently practicing neurotrauma physiotherapist, private practice director and senior clinician at the Victorian Spinal Cord Service at Austin Health (Melbourne, Australia).
During my career, I’ve treated patients throughout the continuum of care, from ICU and the acute wards to inpatient rehabilitation and the community. I can honestly say I’m as passionate about physiotherapy today as I was when I first graduated in 2006. Alongside running my own practice, I have and will always stay hands on helping patients with complex neuro-respiratory conditions to regain their health and independence.
I am currently the Principal Investigator in Victoria for Professor Lisa Harvey’s research trial that is underway and entitled ‘Early and Intensive Motor Training (Versus Usual Care) to Enhance Neurological Recovery and Function in People with Spinal Cord Injury’. You can read more about this trial here.
In this course, you’ll have direct access to the knowledge and skills that I’ve mastered through decades of extensive practical experience in the public and private sectors, together with my unique combination of specialist qualifications gained with a Masters by Research degree in 2018 entitled ‘Reducing Acute Respiratory Complications in Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord Injury’.
- Early clinical predictors of pneumonia in critically ill spinal cord injured individuals: a retrospective cohort study
- Reducing acute respiratory complications in thoracolumbar spinal cord injury
- Early Spinal Surgery Following Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord Injury: Process of Care From Trauma to Theater
- Early Rapid Neurological Assessment for Acute Spinal Cord Injury Trials
- Early decompression following cervical spinal cord injury: examining the process of care from accident scene to surgery
- Early and intensive motor training to enhance neurological recovery in people with spinal cord injury: trial protocol
- Early and Intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): protocol of the process evaluation