To purchase, please click ‘Add to cart’, and follow the checkout steps. You will go direct to checkout, but if you need to check your cart, visit
Step 3: Subscription Agreement form
On purchase, you will be taken to the subscription agreement form to complete. This form must be completed to ensure you have uninterrupted access to the online course materials during your subscription period. On completion of the form, you will be redirected to the course start page. To access the form again, please go to
Step 5: Password change and login post course purchase
To login to your account, please click the login link in the main menu.
To change your password, please login to be redirected to the account page. Then click the ‘Account Details’ tab, then the ‘change password’ link and fill out the details.
You can also click the ‘Lost your password?’ link on the login page, then follow the instructions in the email sent to you.
Step 6: Subsequent course access throughout subscription period
To access the course at any time during your subscription period, please login and you will be redirected to the accounts page Please note that if you are already logged in, clicking the ‘login’ link will take you straight to the accounts page without having to login again.
From this page, you can: 1. Access your completion certificate 2. Access the course materials providing your subscription is active 3. The ‘Profile’ tab will show you your lesson completion percentage, as well as link you to any lesson within the course